The Upper Pleistocene in the Paglicci Cave (Gargano, Southern Italy): loess and tephra in the anthropogenic sequenze

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CREMASCHI M., FERRARO F., 2007 – The Upper Pleistocene in the Paglicci Cave (Gargano, Southern Italy): loess and tephra in the anthropogenic sequenze, Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie, serie A, CXII, 153-164.


Paglicci Cave (SE Italy) represents undoubtedly one of the reference cave sequences for Southern Italy, both for archaeological and palaeoenvironmental implications. The aim of the present paper is the study of the basal portion of the deposit (Interpleniglacial-first phases of Last Pleniglacial). For this purpose, standard sedimentological methods were applied, together with heavy mineral determination and micromorphology. In lower units, sediments result from transportation of weathered volcanic material from the surrounding areas, connected with the Vulture volcanic activity. At c. 34,000 y BP, Campanian Ignimbrite fresh pyroclastic material is recognised. Above this unit, glacial conditions predominate, as indicated by cryoclastic deposits. Beside gelifraction, arid phases of loess deposition are recognised. Loess exhibits the same mineralogical assemblage of Campanian Ignimbrite deposits, confirming the persistence of western winds in the area.

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