Animal exploitation in the ancient Gravettian of Grotta Paglicci. Taphonomy, experimentation and use-wear analysis

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BORGIA V., CREZZINI J., 2011 – Animal exploitation in the ancient Gravettian of Grotta Paglicci. Taphonomy, experimentation and use-wear analysis, Proceedings of the XV World Congress UISPP (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006), BAR S2224, Vol. 47, Miscellania, Luiz Oosterbeek and Cláudia Fidalgo editors, 117-121.


Layers 23 and 22, part of the very rich Upper Paleolithic series of Paglicci Cave (Foggia – Italy), have been dated between 28.100±400 BP and 26.800±300 BP and attributed, through the analysis of the lithic industry, to an initial phase of Gravettian, a facies much rare in Italy. Taphonomic study of ungulate remains recovered from these two layers shows the presence of large numbers of skeletal elements modified by human actions. A wide range of experimental activities, followed by use wear analysis on lithic tools, has the objective to better understanding the techniques adopted by Gravettian hunters to butcher their prey.

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