Differences in Production and Use of Aurignacian and Early Gravettian Lithic Assemblages? The Case of Grotta Paglicci

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BORGIA V., RANALDO F., RONCHITELLI A., WIERER U., 2011 – What Differences in Production and Use of Aurignacian and Early Gravettian Lithic Assemblages? The Case of Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico, Foggia, Southern Italy), in « A la recherche des identités gravettiennes: actualités, questionnements et perspectives » (sous la direction dr N. Goutas, L. Klaric, D. Pesesse et P. Guillermin),  Actes de la Table Ronde sur le Gravettien en France et dans les pays limitrophes, Aix-en-Provence 6-8 octobre 2008, Mémoire LII de la Société préhistorique française, 161-174.



The aim of the present research is a techno-functional comparison of two lithic assemblages from Grotta Paglicci located at Rignano Garganico (Apulia). Level 24A1 is attributed to the Aurignacian and dated to 29,300±600 BP and layer 23 is referable to the early Gravettian and dated to 28,100 ± 400 BP. They are in stratigraphical continuity. Through the analysis of the production schemes and the use of the lithic material, the elements of continuity and change between both assemblages have been identified in order to contribute to a better definition of the distinctive features of the early Gravettian. The research shows no evidence of an eventual transition between the Aurignacian and the Gravettian technocomplex at this site.

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