Il Paleolitico e il Mesolitico della Puglia

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MARTINI F., Ronchitelli A., SARTI L. (2017) – Il Paleolitico e il Mesolitico della Puglia, in ” Preistoria e Protostoria della Puglia” (a cura di F. Radina), Studi di Preistoria e Protostoria – 4, 25-38.


Paleolithic and Mesolithic of Apulia is one of the italian regions better documenting the historical and cultural hunter-gatherers’ evolution and their relationship with the environment and climate changes. the authors outline a summary of current knowledges, problems and assumptions that are currently the subject of scientific debate. Key issues include the oldest settlement in the region, which is linked to the presence of early Homo in Italy, the sequence of the lower Paleolithic, the chrono-cultural step that concerns the last neanderthals presence and the arrival of the first sapiens, the cultural and productive facies of the upper Paleolithic, times and manners of hunter-gatherer adaptation to post-glacial period.

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