I resti umani rinvenuti a Paglicci (Rignano Garganico-FG)

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CONDEMI S., CAPECCHI G., MONTI L., VOISIN J.L., MOUNIER A., RICCI S., RONCHITELLI A., 2014 – I resti umani rinvenuti a Paglicci (Rignano Garganico-FG): nota preliminare, Annali dell’Università di Ferrara – Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, 10/2, 233-238.



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Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico–FO), con il suo deposito di 12 m che racchiude (oltre all’Acheuleano e alle fasi antiche del Paleolitico medio) l’intera sequenza del Paleoitico superiore (dall’Aurignaziano all’Epigravettiano finale) rappresenta una risorsa preziosissima per la conoscenza delle antiche popolazioni di Homo sapiens in Europa e della loro evoluzione. Accanto alla grande quantità di reperti antropici, fra cui numerose opere d’arte, nel corso degli scavi condotti dall’Università di Siena, sono stati rinvenuti 146 resti ossei umani, che vanno ad aggiungersi alle ben note sepolture della donna (Pa25) e del bambino (Pa12). In questo lavoro si presenta l’elenco di questi rinvenimenti, oggetto di uno studio sistematico e multidisciplinare attuato con metodologie moderne da parte dei ricercatori dell’Università di Siena in collaborazione con ricercatori di altri Enti e Università con competenze diverse. Lo studio è iniziato dall’analisi dei crani, di cui presentiamo alcuni risultati preliminari.


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Paglicci Cave (Rignano Garganico-FO), with its deposit of 12 m, contains (in addition to the Acheulean phases and those of the ancient middle Paleolithic), the entire sequence of the upper Paleolithic (from the Aurignacian to the final Epigravettian culture). It is an invaluable resource for knowledge of the ancient populations of Homo sapiens in Europe and of their evolution. Beside the large amount of man-made artifacts, including numerous works of art unearthed during the excavations conducted by the University of Siena, 146 human remains were found. The discovery of these latter remains supplements the Paglicci human sample including well-known burials of women (Pa25) and of a child (Pa12). In this paper we present the list of these findings, which are the topic of a broad systematic and multidisciplinary study undertaken on the basis of modern methodologies by researchers from the University of Siena, in collaboration with researchers from other institutions and universities whose proficiencies lie in a variety of fields. This broad study took the analysis of the Paglicci skulls as its starting point, and our purpose here is to present some of its preliminary results.

A revised timescale for human evolution based on ancient mitochondrial genomes

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FU Q., MITTNIK A., JOHNSON P.L.F., BOS K., LARI M., BOLLONGINO R., SUN C., GIEMSCH L., SCHMITZ R., BURGER J., RONCHITELLI A., MARTINI F., CREMONESI R.G., SVOBODA J., BAUER P., CARAMELLI D., CASTELLANO S., REICH D., PÄÄBO S. AND KRAUSE J., 2013 – A revised timescale for human evolution based on ancient mitochondrial genomes, Current Biology, 23, 553–559.




Background: Recent analyses of de novo DNA mutations in modern humans have suggested a nuclear substitution rate that is approximately half that of previous estimates based on fossil calibration. This result has led to suggestions that major events in human evolution occurred far earlier than previously thought.

Results: Here, we use mitochondrial genome sequences from ten securely dated ancient modern humans spanning 40,000 years as calibration points for the mitochondrial clock, thus yielding a direct estimate of the mitochondrial substitution rate. Our clock yields mitochondrial divergence times that are in agreement with earlier estimates based on calibration points derived from either fossils or archaeological material. In particular, our results imply a separation of non-Africans from the most closely related sub-Saharan African mitochondrial DNAs (haplogroup L3) that occurred less than 62–95 kya.

Conclusions: Though single loci like mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can only provide biased estimates of population divergence times, they can provide valid upper bounds. Our results exclude most of the older dates for African and non-

African population divergences recently suggested by de novo mutation rate estimates in the nuclear genome.

Variability and standardization: The early Gravettian lithic complex of Grotta Paglicci, Southern Italy

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WIERER U., 2013 – Variability and standardization: The early Gravettian lithic complex of Grotta Paglicci, Southern Italy, Quaternary International, 288, 215-238.




Lithic assemblages contribute to gather insights into past human populations, their technical know-howand behaviour. The present research focuses on the period of the first Gravettian, dated between 29,000 and 27,000 BP, by analysing the technological aspects of the lithic industry recovered from layer 23 of Grotta Paglicci at Rignano Garganico (Apulia, Southern Italy). Stone tool production is characterized by the twofold concept of variability and standardization: blade débitage, one the one hand, is finalized at the manufacture of a differentiated set of tools for domestic activities, whose variability is determined by size, shape and edges, and sometimes by retouch and functional fractures, whilst bladelet production, on the other hand, aims at obtaining standardized backed tools referable to armatures hafted onto throwing weapons. Standardization of the backed points is determined both by débitage and by intensive modification. Different modalities for bladelet production are documented, among which prevails the exploitation of burin cores on thick blades. The flintknappers’ technical choices show several similarities to contemporaneous industries of Central and Western Europe. The evident change in armature manufacture which took place after 30,000 BP, represented throughout Europe by the diffusion of straight and pointed backed armatures, was most likely related to the development of new hunting technologies.

Genomic selection by Oligo-Capture and next generation sequencing for genetic characterization of Ancient Human remains from Italy

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LARI M., RIZZI E., BALSAMO C., GHIROTTO S., TASSI F., RONCHITELLI A., FISCHETTI A., GRUGNI V., SEMINO O., DE BELLIS G., BARBUJANI G., CARAMELLI D., 2012 – Genomic selection by Oligo-Capture and next generation sequencing for genetic characterization of Ancient Human remains from Italy, Journal of Biological Research, 85 (1), 151-155.




Cervical and Crown Outline Analysis of Worn Neanderthal and Modern Human Lower Second Deciduous Molars

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BENAZZI S., FORNAI C., BUTI L., TOUSSAINT M., MALLEGNI F., RICCI S., GRUPPIONI G., WEBER G. W., CONDEMI S., AND RONCHITELLI A., 2012 – Cervical and Crown Outline Analysis of Worn Neanderthal and Modern Human Lower Second Deciduous Molars, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 149 (4), 537-546.




Despite the general increase in digital techniques for dental morphometric analyses, only a few methods are available to study worn teeth. Moreover, permanent dentitions are studied much more frequently than deciduous teeth. In this study, we address both issues by providing a taxonomic classification of Neanderthal and modern human (MH) lower second deciduous molars (dm2s) through the analysis of crown and cervical outlines. Crown and cervical outlines were obtained from a three-dimensional (3D) digital sample of uniformly oriented dm2s. Both outlines were centered on the centroid of their area and represented by 16 pseudolandmarks obtained by equiangularly spaced radial vectors out of the centroid. We removed size information from the oriented and centered outlines with a uniform scaling of the pseudolandmark configurations to unit Centroid Size. Group shape variation was evaluated separately for the dm2 crown and cervical outlines through a shape–space principal component (PC) analysis.

Finally, quadratic discriminant analysis of a subset of PCs was used to classify the specimens. Our results demonstrate that both outlines successfully separate the two groups. Neanderthals showed a buccodistal expansion and convex lingual outline shape, whilst MHs have buccodistal reduction and straight lingual outline shape.

Therefore, we confirmed that the cervical outline represents an effective parameter for distinguishing between the two taxa when dealing with worn or damaged dm2s.

Grotta Paglicci  (Rignano Garganico, Foggia): analisi sulle materie coloranti

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ARRIGHI S., BORGIA V., GUASPARRI G., RICCI S., SCALA A., RONCHITELLI A., 2012 – Grotta Paglicci  (Rignano Garganico, Foggia): analisi sulle materie coloranti, “Atti della XLII Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria”, Preistoria Alpina, 46 I, 91-92.



This paper deals with the preliminary analyses of the colouring materials of one of the artistic objects found at Paglicci Cave. The fragmented limestone slab (fallen down from the vault) found at the base of layer 14 A (Ancient Epigravettian) represents the hindquarter of a running equid.

Manifestazioni d’arte inedite e analisi tecnologica dell’arte mobiliare di Grotta Paglicci

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ARRIGHI S., BORGIA V., D’ERRICO F., RICCI S., RONCHITELLI A., 2012 – Manifestazioni d’arte inedite e analisi tecnologica dell’arte mobiliare di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico – FG), “Atti della XLII Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria”, Preistoria Alpina, 46 I, 49-58.



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Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico), oltre a costituire l’unica evidenza di pittura parietale del Paleolitico in Italia, presenta una produzione artistica di grande importanza che offre una ricca e articolata documentazione di arte mobiliare. Gli scavi hanno infatti riportato alla luce numerosi manufatti artistici, alcuni dei quali provenienti da una collocazione crono-stratigrafica precisa che interessa un arco temporale compreso tra il Gravettiano evoluto e l’Epigravettiano finale. Questo studio affronta l’analisi tecnologica di una categoria di questi oggetti, e cioè i motivi naturalistici incisi su osso, con un approccio che consente di approfondire quanto precedentemente messo in luce, nel corso degli anni, da Mezzena e Palma di Cesnola sotto l’aspetto stilistico e cronologico. Particolare attenzione è stata posta nella ricostruzione della sequenzialità dei gesti (catena operativa), nella ricerca di eventuali diversità in senso diacronico, nelle modalità di utilizzo dell’ocra.


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Paglicci cave (Rignano Garganico), more than representing the only evidence of the italian Paleolithic wall painting, shows moreover an artistic production of exceptional importance, that offers a rich and articulated documentation about portable art. Excavations have brought to light numerous artistic objects, some of them coming from a precise stratigraphic position which ranges between Evolved Gravettian and Final Epigravettian. This study faces the technological analysis of the bone objects with naturalistic engravings, with an approach that allows to deepen what previously put in light, over the years, from Mezzena and Palma di Cesnola under the stylistic and chronological aspect. Particular attention has been placed in the reconstruction of the gestures (operative chain), in the search of eventual diversities in diachronic sense and in the ochre use modalities.

Morphometrical Analysis on Cut Marks Using a 3D Digital Microscope

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BOSCHIN F. & CREZZINI J., 2012 – Morphometrical Analysis on Cut Marks Using a 3D Digital Microscope, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 22, 549–562.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/oa.1272


Microscopic analysis represents a powerful tool for understanding taphonomy. Our work, as in other studies, aims to identify the origin of different kinds of marks on bones. In this paper, we test the application of a HIROX Digital Microscope KH-7700. This microscope captures 3D images of the bone surface, thus bringing into focus the whole section of striations. This enables the direct observation of their shape from several points of view and the relatively rapid procurement of a variety of measurements (e.g. depth, breadth, angles). This technology has been applied to several butchery experiments, in which both stone and metal tools have been used to produce cut marks on skeletal elements. The morphometrical parameters presented in this paper enabled the correct identification of the different origins of experimental striations and were further tested on two archaeological sets of cut marks inflicted by both metal blades and flint flakes or tools. Therefore, the obtained experimental records constitute a useful database for archaeological remains. The morphometrical parameters developed and implemented in this study represent objective criteria for identifying the origin of cut marks which can be processed through statistical analysis.

Differences in Production and Use of Aurignacian and Early Gravettian Lithic Assemblages? The Case of Grotta Paglicci

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BORGIA V., RANALDO F., RONCHITELLI A., WIERER U., 2011 – What Differences in Production and Use of Aurignacian and Early Gravettian Lithic Assemblages? The Case of Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico, Foggia, Southern Italy), in « A la recherche des identités gravettiennes: actualités, questionnements et perspectives » (sous la direction dr N. Goutas, L. Klaric, D. Pesesse et P. Guillermin),  Actes de la Table Ronde sur le Gravettien en France et dans les pays limitrophes, Aix-en-Provence 6-8 octobre 2008, Mémoire LII de la Société préhistorique française, 161-174.



The aim of the present research is a techno-functional comparison of two lithic assemblages from Grotta Paglicci located at Rignano Garganico (Apulia). Level 24A1 is attributed to the Aurignacian and dated to 29,300±600 BP and layer 23 is referable to the early Gravettian and dated to 28,100 ± 400 BP. They are in stratigraphical continuity. Through the analysis of the production schemes and the use of the lithic material, the elements of continuity and change between both assemblages have been identified in order to contribute to a better definition of the distinctive features of the early Gravettian. The research shows no evidence of an eventual transition between the Aurignacian and the Gravettian technocomplex at this site.

Animal exploitation in the ancient Gravettian of Grotta Paglicci. Taphonomy, experimentation and use-wear analysis

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BORGIA V., CREZZINI J., 2011 – Animal exploitation in the ancient Gravettian of Grotta Paglicci. Taphonomy, experimentation and use-wear analysis, Proceedings of the XV World Congress UISPP (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006), BAR S2224, Vol. 47, Miscellania, Luiz Oosterbeek and Cláudia Fidalgo editors, 117-121.



Layers 23 and 22, part of the very rich Upper Paleolithic series of Paglicci Cave (Foggia – Italy), have been dated between 28.100±400 BP and 26.800±300 BP and attributed, through the analysis of the lithic industry, to an initial phase of Gravettian, a facies much rare in Italy. Taphonomic study of ungulate remains recovered from these two layers shows the presence of large numbers of skeletal elements modified by human actions. A wide range of experimental activities, followed by use wear analysis on lithic tools, has the objective to better understanding the techniques adopted by Gravettian hunters to butcher their prey.

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