L’origine del Musteriano nel Gargano. I: Il premusteriano degli strati 26-28 della grotta Paglicci


PALMA DI CESNOLA A., FREGUGLIA M., 2005 – L’origine del Musteriano nel Gargano. I: Il premusteriano degli strati 26-28 della grotta Paglicci, Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, LV, 139-168.




Nel presente lavoro, la seconda parte del quale sarà contenuta nel prossimo numero di questa Rivista, è descritta l’industria proveniente dallo strato 26 all’interno della grotta Paglicci. Il materiale ivi rinvenuto appare caratterizzato da un aspetto fortemente arcaico. Sono infatti stati messi in luce: numerosi supporti a faccia ventrale diedra, elementi Quinson, e si è notata una certa diffusione di manufatti ipercarenati e carenati. In ambito tipologico frequente è l’impiego del ritocco soprelevato come anche dei denticolati carenoidi e degli incavi clactoniani.



In this paper, whose the second part will be published in the next issue of this review, the coming from inner 26th stratum of Paglicci’s cave industry is described. The found there materials look characterized by a very archaic aspect. Many supports with ventral dihedral face, Quinson elements, have been put in evidence. We have observed a certain diffusion of careened and hypercareneed manufactured elements. From the point of typological view, the use of the elevated retouch and of careened denticulated tools and encoches clactonniennes is common.

Evidence for a genetic discontinuity between Neandertals and 24,000-year-old anatomically modern Europeans


Caramelli D., Lalueza-Fox C., Vernesi C., Lari M., Casoli A., Mallegni F., Chiarelli B., Dupanloup I., Bertranpetit J., Barbujani G., Bertorelle G., 2003 – Evidence for a genetic discontinuity between Neandertals and 24,000-year-old anatomically modern Europeans, PNAS, 100(11), Salt Lake City, 6593-6597.



During the late Pleistocene, early anatomically modern humans coexisted in Europe with the anatomically archaic Neandertals for some thousand years. Under the recent variants of the multiregional model of human evolution, modern and archaic forms were different but related populations within a single evolving species, and both have contributed to the gene pool of current humans.

Conversely, the Out-of-Africa model considers the transition between Neandertals and anatomically modern humans as the result of a demographic replacement, and hence it predicts a genetic discontinuity between them. Following the most stringent current standards for validation of ancient DNA sequences, we typed the mtDNA hypervariable region I of two anatomically modern Homo sapiens sapiens individuals of the Cro-Magnon type dated at about 23 and 25 thousand years ago. Here we show that the mtDNAs of these individuals fall well within the range of variation of today’s humans, but differ sharply from the available sequences of the chronologically closer Neandertals. This discontinuity is difficult to reconcile with the hypothesis that both Neandertals and early anatomically modern humans contributed to the current European gene pool.

Notizie preliminari sugli scavi condotti dall’Università di Siena durante gli anni 1999 e 2000 nell’area esterna di Paglicci


PALMA DI CESNOLA A. 2001 – Notizie preliminari sugli scavi condotti dall’Università di Siena durante gli anni 1999 e 2000 nell’area esterna di Paglicci, Atti XXI Convegno sulla Preistoria – Protostoria – Storia della Daunia, San Severo novembre 2000, pp. 35-42.


Notizie preliminari sugli scavi condotti dall’Università di Siena

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