I ciottoli decorati di Paglicci: raffigurazioni e utilizzo

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ARRIGHI S., BORGIA V., D’ERRICO F., RONCHITELLI A., 2008 – I ciottoli decorati di Paglicci: raffigurazioni e utilizzo, Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, LVIII, 39-58.



In this paper we analyze nine pebbles (two of which are unpublished) coming from the mobiliary art assemblage of Paglicci cave (Foggia – Italy). The principals aims of the study are:

– To understand the production process of artistic incisions on the pebbles, through the study of the engravings, as the starting point for deciphering their symbolic and cognitive value. Every engraved stroke has in fact retained, at a microscopic level, important technological information and by means of experimental replication of the engravings, it has been possible to retrieve microscopic indexes which allow one to re-create the link between the result of the engraving, the tools used and the action performed. The importance of re-enacting the sequence of actions which led to the creation of the artistic object is given not only by the possibility to understand in depth the technique employed during such events, but, more importantly, by the possibility to test their cultural significance.

– To assess the cultural value of the artistic production, also through functional analysis. Engravings, different from cave art which has solely a symbolic value, are in this case carried out on artefacts used in every-day life. The identification of use-wear traces on such objects, or at least on those which possess the necessary characteristics to suggest their likely utilization, is undertaken in an attempt to find out whether such objects were used before and/or after they were engraved.

Within the technological study of engravings and the functional analysis of pebbles, the interpretation of the archaeological data has been possible thanks to the comparison with the data obtained through replication under controlled parameters. Technological analysis of the incisions has underlined the employment of various engraving tools, or at least various active edges of the same tool. Strokes are generally redone several times to make them readable.

Use-wear analysis has highlighted that the majority of pebbles has been used as retouchers or hammer stones (active percussion).

Three pieces show use-wear far from the edges denoting a function of these pebbles as anvil (passive percussion) or mallet (indirect percussion). In two cases the surface has been abraded after utilization and before the engravings. All pebbles have been used before being engraved. This observation may suggest that pebbles, at a certain moment, lost a functional value for a different one. The care employed in preparing and engraving pebbles after utilization denotes the will of using no longer these objects, even though their life continues, as polish following the incisions show.

Le industrie di Grotta Paglicci

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PALMA DI CESNOLA A., 2007-2008 – Le industrie di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico-FG): strati 9-8 (scavi A. Palma di Cesnola 1973-75), Rassegna di Archeologia, 23A, 11-54.



L’Autore premette che delle industrie degli strati 9 e 8, provenienti dagli scavi del Museo Civico di Verona degli anni 1961-63, sono già state oggetto di studio (col metodo Laplace 1964) e pubblicate da F. Mezzena ed A. Palma di Cesnola (MEZZENA-PALMA DI CESNOLA, 1967). L’attuale analisi (condotta con lo stesso metodo Laplace) delle industrie dei suddetti strati si basa invece sui risultati degli scavi effettuati successivamente (dal 1973 al 1975) dall’Università di Siena. Tali scavi, praticati con tecniche più moderne, hanno consentito la raccolta integrale del materiale archeologico, con recupero anche dei pezzi di dimensioni piccole e piccolissime (frammenti di punte e lame a dorso, di dorsi troncati, etc.), che erano in buona parte sfuggiti alla setacciatura un po’ sommaria delle campagne precedenti. Ciò ha permesso di fornire un’immagine non nuova, ma certo più completa e corretta, dell’Epigravettia­no evoluto degli strati 9 ed 8 di Paglicci. Peraltro il materiale raccolto nelle campagne di scavo degli anni ’70 è stato più copioso (1471 Tipi Primari nel 9, 1021 nell’8) di quello degli scavi precedenti. Esso, inoltre, viene qui analizzato con maggior dettaglio. Il lavoro termina col raffronto fra le industrie dello strato 9 e quelle dello strato 8.

Si è pervenuti alle seguenti conclusioni:

a livello delle strutture “essenziali” (sensu Laplace), passando dall’uno all’altro insieme industriale non si registrano mutamen­ti degni di nota. I Bulini restano in entrambi gli strati meno numerosi dei Grattatoi, le Famiglie dei RAD e del Substrato hanno valori poco differenti, i Foliati risultano estremamente rari. Una certa evoluzione si percepisce invece al livello delle strutture “elementari”, di alcuni indici e di alcuni Tipi Primari e Secondari caratteristici. Nello strato 8, nell’ambito dei Bulini, i tipi su ritocco predominano su quelli semplici; nei Grattatoi, le forme frontali subiscono un accorciamento sensibile e il sot­totipo “a scarpata”, presente ancora nel 9, scompare; le Punte a dorso divengono più numerose delle Lame a dorso ed i pezzi a cran sono eccezionali; i Dorsi Troncati subiscono un certo decremento ed il sottotipo “anomalo” (con troncatura sostituita da scagliature) è più rappresentato; le Punte sono più rare (in particolare le P2); in seno ai pezzi ad encoche, il sottotipo a incavo molto profondo (“D1pp”) risulterebbe assente. Lo strato 8 mostrerebbe dunque un certo impoverimento tipologico, soprattutto per quanto riguarda gli elementi della tradizione epigravettiana antica.

Il nostro studio si inserisce in un più ampio lavoro, con­cernente anche gli strati sottostanti (11 e 10) di Paglicci, che in base a recenti ricerche risultano appartenere egualmente all’Epigravettiano evoluto (Lami-Palma di Cesnola, 2005; Palma di Cesnola, 2007). Pertanto, il complesso degli strati 9 ed 8 rappresenterebbe la fase finale di questo periodo.

Faunes gravettiennes à grands mammifères de l’Italie du Sud

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BOSCATO P., 2007 – Faunes gravettiennes à grands mammifères de l’Italie du Sud: Grotta della Cala (Salerno) et Grotta Paglicci (Foggia), Paleo, 19, 109-114.




Faunal remains related to two different environments have been recovered from gravettian layers of Grotta della Cala, in the Tyrrhenian coast of southern Italy, and from Grotta Paglicci, in the Adriatic side. Data from Grotta della Cala attest an hunting principally aimed at Deer, whose remains constitute 90 % of the total. Other ungulates have been recovered in much smaller quantities, with a dominance of Roe deer and Wild boar. Ungulates typical of open or mixed environments, like Horse, Aurochs and Ibex, are instead abundant in faunal assemblage from Grotta Paglicci, and their quantities change according to different cultural phases. Bones collected from these two sites probably belong to ungulates hunted in proportion to their availability. Therefore, taxa frequencies show the effects of climate changes on faunal associations and the wideness of habitats. In each of these two deposits, during the same chronological phases, environmental and climate conditions have produced different faunal presences which probably have influenced cultural and technological aspects of the respective gravettian peoples.

The Upper Pleistocene in the Paglicci Cave (Gargano, Southern Italy): loess and tephra in the anthropogenic sequenze

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CREMASCHI M., FERRARO F., 2007 – The Upper Pleistocene in the Paglicci Cave (Gargano, Southern Italy): loess and tephra in the anthropogenic sequenze, Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie, serie A, CXII, 153-164.



Paglicci Cave (SE Italy) represents undoubtedly one of the reference cave sequences for Southern Italy, both for archaeological and palaeoenvironmental implications. The aim of the present paper is the study of the basal portion of the deposit (Interpleniglacial-first phases of Last Pleniglacial). For this purpose, standard sedimentological methods were applied, together with heavy mineral determination and micromorphology. In lower units, sediments result from transportation of weathered volcanic material from the surrounding areas, connected with the Vulture volcanic activity. At c. 34,000 y BP, Campanian Ignimbrite fresh pyroclastic material is recognised. Above this unit, glacial conditions predominate, as indicated by cryoclastic deposits. Beside gelifraction, arid phases of loess deposition are recognised. Loess exhibits the same mineralogical assemblage of Campanian Ignimbrite deposits, confirming the persistence of western winds in the area.

The Upper Pleistocene in the Paglicci Cave PDF

Analisi funzionale degli strumenti litici di corredo alle sepolture II e III di Grotta Paglicci

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ARRIGHI S., BORGIA V., 2007 – Analisi funzionale degli strumenti litici di corredo alle sepolture II e III di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico-Foggia), Annali dell’Università di Ferrara (Nuova Serie), Museologia scientifica e naturalistica, volume speciale “Atti I Convegno Nazionale degli Studenti di Antropologia, Preistoria e Protostoria, Ferrara 8-10 Maggio 2004” (a cura di U. Thun Hohenstein), 105-108.


We present the results of the functional study undertaken on the lithic tools coming from the burials II and III of Paglicci Cave with the aim of widen our acquaintances on prehistoric funerary rituals. Functional analysis of the tools associated to the corpses was meant at verifying the presence, the position and the nature of use-wear, in order to establish if these tools were used or not.

Studio sulla distribuzione delle tracce antropiche sui resti di ungulati del Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci

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Crezzini J., 2007 – Studio sulla distribuzione delle tracce antropiche sui resti di ungulati del Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico-Foggia): il trattamento delle frazioni distali degli arti di Bos primigenius, Annali dell’Università di Ferrara (Nuova Serie), Museologia scientifica e naturalistica, volume speciale “Atti I Convegno Nazionale degli Studenti di Antropologia, Preistoria e Protostoria, Ferrara 8-10 Maggio 2004” (a cura di U. Thun Hohenstein), 75-78.



Taphonomic study of ungulate bones from two Ancient Gravettian levels of Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico – FG), 22f and 23c, has showed a large quantities of anthropic traces on bone surfaces related to exploitation of the carcasses through the use of lithic tools. Observation of marks distribution on every single identifiable skeletal element of ungulate has pointed out the high quantity of traces on carpals, tarsals, metapodial bones, sesamoides and phalanges of Bos primigenius. Experimentation carried out on the distal portions of cattle legs suggests, for this type of skeleton, the adoption of a probable chaîne opératoire. [Distribution analysis of the anthropic traces on Ungulates remains from the Ancient Gravettian of Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico – FG): exploitation distal portions of Bos primigenius limbs.]

L’Aurignacien et le Gravettien ancien de la grotte Paglicci au Mont Gargano

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PALMA DI CESNOLA A., 2006a – L’Aurignacien et le Gravettien ancien de la grotte Paglicci au Mont Gargano, L’Anthropologie, 110, 355-370.




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The author illustrates, in a very synthetical way, Aurignacian and early Gravettian lithic industry from Paglicci Cave (Mount Gargano, South Italy), found during excavations carried out by University of Siena in the Eighties-Nineties. Layer 24 contains Aurignacian industries and is constituted by a fine silty-sandy sediment. The faunal remains from layer 24, dominated by Equus asinus, indicate a dry-temperate phase which on the basis of 14C dates, would be identified with the Arcy. Lithic industry contains numerous marginally backed bladelets and microbladelets Dufour like that, in the higher level evolve into a special type (denominated “PA 24 A1”). The early Gravettian occupies the overlying layers 23 and 22 that are rich in rough stones and blocks and contain more or less cold faunal remains (at first dominated by Capra ibex, subsequently Bos primigenius becomes abundant): the 14C dating insert them in a phase between Arcy and Tursac. Lithic industry includes a great number of La Gravette backed points and especially microgravette backed points. Some probable fléchettes are also present but unfortunately they are fragmented.


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L’auteur illustre de façon très synthétique les industries de l’Aurignacien et du Gravettien ancien de la Grotte Paglicci au Mont Gargano, Italie méridionale, mises aux jours pendant les fouilles exécutées par l’Université de Sienne (sous la direction de A. Palma di Cesnola) dans les années 1980–1990. L’Aurignacien provient de la couche 24, qui est constituée par un sédiment fin limonosableux. La faune de la couche 24, ou l’âne est dominant, indiquerait une phase à climat tempéré sec, qui d’après les dates 14C, serait attribuable à l’oscillation d’Arcy. L’industrie contient plusieurs lamelles et microlamelles à dos marginal, du genre Dufour, qui, dans le niveau le plus haut, évoluent vers un type spécial (qui a été appelé « PA 24 A1 »). Le Gravettien ancien occupe les couches 23 et 22, directement sus-jacentes, riches en cailloutis grossiers et en blocS et avec faune de type plus ou moins froid (d’abord à bouquetin dominant, ensuite à aurochs fréquent), que les dates 14C permettraient d’insérer dans la phase comprise entre Arcy et Tursac. L’industrie, très belle, se compose d’un grand nombre de pointes de la Gravette et spécialement de Microgravettes. Quelques probables fléchettes, malheureusement fragmentaires, sont aussi présentes.

L’analisi funzionale degli elementi a dorso come strumento conoscitivo per ricostruire le strategie di sfruttamento delle risorse territoriali nel Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci

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BORGIA V., 2006 – L’analisi funzionale degli elementi a dorso come strumento conoscitivo per ricostruire le strategie di sfruttamento delle risorse territoriali nel Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci (strati 23 e 22), Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, LVI, 53-81.



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Nel presente lavoro sono stati analizzati gli elementi a dorso provenienti dagli strati del Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci con l’obiettivo di comprendere le modalità di utilizzo di questi particolari strumenti legati all’attività venatoria. A questo fine sono state associate, sempre in un’ottica funzionale, varie metodologie di analisi. La valutazione tecno-tipologica e tipometrica ha permesso di definire il livello di standardizzazione degli utensili presi in esame e di creare copie di questi strumenti da utilizzare nella fase sperimentale, necessaria in ogni studio funzionale in quanto permette l’interpretazione del dato archeologico. L’osservazione al microscopio secondo le metodologie di ricerca traceologica a basso ed alto ingrandimento, infine, ha avuto lo scopo di associare all’uso alcuni tipi di macro (fratture) e microtracce (politure e strie).


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In the present work the backed tools coming from the layers of the ancient Gravettian of Grotta Paglicci have been analyzed with the aim of understanding the modalities of use of these particular instruments connected to the hunting activity. With this purpose several methodologies of analysis have been associated, always in a functional point of view. The assessment of the techno-typological and typometrical characteristics has allowed us to define the level of standardization of the tools and to create copies for the experimental phase, necessary in every functional study since it allows the interpretation of the archaeological data. The observation of tools by the microscope in accordance to the methodologies of use-wear analysis, both low and high power magnification, has been therefore carried out with the aim of associating to the use some types of macro (fractures) and microtraces (polishes and striae).

The origin of European cattle: Evidence from modern and ancient DNA

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Cattle domestication from wild aurochsen was among the most important innovations during the Neolithic agricultural revolution. The available genetic and archaeological evidence points to at least two major sites of domestication in India and in the Near East, where zebu and the taurine breeds would have emerged independently.

Under this hypothesis, all present-day European breeds would be descended from cattle domesticated in the Near East and subsequently spread during the diffusion of herding and farming lifestyles. We present here previously undescribed genetic evidence in contrast with this view, based on mtDNA sequences from five Italian aurochsen dated between 7,000 and 17,000 years B.P. and >1,000 modern cattle from 51 breeds. Our data are compatible with local domestication events in Europe and support at least some levels of introgression from the aurochs in Italy. The distribution of genetic variation in modern cattle suggest also that different south European breeds were affected by introductions from northern Africa. If so, the European cattle may represent a more variable and valuable genetic resource than previously realized, and previous simple hypotheses regarding the domestication process and the diffusion of selected breeds should be revised.

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